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Proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation to Every Creature || Leaders' Development || Ps. W.F Kumuyi

Negative feedback helps you improve and make you more efficient as a leader. 2) Be a planner - Another thing that leadership training emphasizes is planning. Good planning will almost always assure you of a positive for any situation that you are in. You will not believe how difficult it is to plan sometimes. His personality notwithstanding, the strength of his leadership comes from good decision-making skills which come naturally. His negative aspect is his tendency to be a morale-buster. However, people will eventually discover his caring heart and they will learn to love and respect him. They might even grew and develop themselves from his challenges. Implementing your plan may be a bit difficult change is never easy, after all. The first thing to keep in mind is to not give up; self-improvement always pays off in the end as long as you stick to your guns and get the desired results you'll be fine. The other thing is you need to have someone else checking your progress. The question that you're asking is whether it's worth it to institute such a program. The short answer is, yes! The advantages of leadership development will eventually outweigh its disadvantages. Let's see a few reasons why you should be setting up such a program for your business: a) Better Employee Morale the obvious result of having a leadership development program is the happiness of your employees. Learning from work One of today s development methods provides candidates with opportunities to learn from their present work rather than taking them out of the workplace (and presumably herded to a stolid classroom) to learn. The goal is to integrate their experiences at the workplace with other (leadership) developmental techniques. To be able to maximize the potentials of leaders in an organization, experts say that it is very important for employees especially the heads of each department to undergo training on leadership development. Key to effective training People who are in the field of leadership development would agree that leaders who want to be effective should realize how big self-motivation can create in their lives. 

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