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My MAGICAL Self Hypnosis experience. Does self hypnosis work for anxiety?

While the majority of the women I polled leaned toward believing that hypnosis could help one to stop smoking, the women did not believe that self hypnosis would work. The majority of the women said that hypnosis would only in their opinion work if the person used a trained hypnotist. Men on the other hand did not believe that hypnosis would work whether a hypnotist was used or not. This self hypnosis audio CD will have you sleeping in no time. The CD uses a hypnotic progressive relaxation technique that will get your relaxed mentally and even physically. Once relaxed you will have no trouble sleeping. Lynda Malerstein a clinical hypnotherapist from Los Angeles, California has created a self hypnosis CD that is designed to cure insomnia. He then at the age of 43 moved to Paris. Mesmer had great fame and success until a group of people one of which was Benjamin Franklin began to investigate him. The group concluded that the people who were cured had done so with the powers of their own imagination and that their cure had nothing to do with Franz Anton Mesmer and his magnets. You finally had the confidence to share your valuable expertise, without fear of being shot down. Self hypnosis will allow you to get to that point in your life. Or take on the social scene and the next time you are out at a social gathering you walk right up to someone you think may be interesting and strike up a conversation. Almost everyone of us has entered that form at one time or another throughout a week. Daydreaming is another thing that they are terming as a form of self hypnosis. Many of us have entered in to that form at one time or another during the day. After all it is hard to be at work and not allow our minds to wander off to a better place. One thing you can say to yourself is that I am going to count backwards from 5 and when I reach 1 I will become alert. Then proceed to count backwards slowly from 5 to 1. When you reach 1 you will be alert and your self hypnosis session will have ended. Some people may choose to do a self hypnosis session at night before bed. 

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