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How To Hypnotize Yourself in 2 Minutes

These keys are important in allowing you to achieve success with self hypnosis. Some of the six keys needed to master self hypnosis will be harder than other to achieve. But with persistent dedication to mastering this you can and will achieve all six keys. Responsibility is one of the keys that you will need to master self hypnosis. He teaches self hypnosis to individuals and groups at seminars and even on-location. For athletes Sal offers sport hypnosis that he will teach your team to use during a self hypnosis session. Sal also teaches self hypnosis for personal success and stress management. Sal is a member of the National Guild and uses his experience and knowledge to teach others. A lot of people did not believe that self hypnosis worked. As time went on more and more people started looking into self hypnosis and seeing the benefits of using self hypnosis to change things about themselves that they did not like. Smoking is one bad habit that people have used hypnosis for. I logged into several chat rooms to poll the chatters and get their insight into how the view the effects of self hypnosis on smoking. Myths surrounding hypnosis and even self hypnosis have no sound basis, they came about mostly because of uninformed people making an opinion on something they had no knowledge of. Myth #1- I will be made to do silly and stupid things Well let me say that no you will not be made to do anything silly or stupid. This is used during hypnosis when visual images are needed during hypnosis. Induction: This is the term that refers to the part of hypnosis in which you are guided into a relaxed hypnotic state. Modeling: This refers to the study and imitating of others who excel at what you are wanting to excel at. Neuro-Linguistic Programming: This is also known as NLP and refers to the science of modeling other people to gain a similar result. The CD uses a hypnotic progressive relaxation technique that will get your relaxed mentally and even physically. Once relaxed you will have no trouble sleeping. Lynda Malerstein a clinical hypnotherapist from Los Angeles, California has created a self hypnosis CD that is designed to cure insomnia. Her CD titled Power Journey to Deep Restful Sleep, uses guided imagery along with relaxing background music. 

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