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Sleep Hypnosis to Connect with Your Higher Self | Guided Meditation for Healing

While the majority of the women I polled leaned toward believing that hypnosis could help one to stop smoking, the women did not believe that self hypnosis would work. The majority of the women said that hypnosis would only in their opinion work if the person used a trained hypnotist. Men on the other hand did not believe that hypnosis would work whether a hypnotist was used or not. When people see the sort of time frame another person is able to accomplish something in, then it allows for them to judge about how long it will take them. This is a benefit to your readers. Did you just learn something new from a book or off the internet that pertains to self hypnosis? Then share this insight with your readers. This is another area where self hypnosis can help. Self hypnosis can reprogram the way that our mind reacts to situations. As it stands now our minds react to situations in a way that makes us back down and not take a stand. It holds us back by making us fear a confrontation. With self hypnosis we can program our minds to make us not fear this confrontation and allow us to be assertive. The retrieval part is also known as recall and is the area that retrieves the stored information when we need it. To give association to these classifications, we can liken them to an office that has three employees with you being the boss. Employee #1 is the encoding and it is that employees job to type up everything that you give him and then hand it over to employee #2. Well you can set your mind to do this by using self hypnosis. Find a place to be alone uninterrupted that is quiet. Sit on the floor or in a comfortable chair and begin your induction phase. Once you have become relaxed you may start the visualization that will help you to achieve your perfect body. What you will need to visualize is yourself on a path in the woods. But sometimes you may need more than just a book to read to help you use self hypnosis to manage your pain. When you need more than a book, there is a great audio tape available that will guide you through the self hypnosis session. The use of this audio tape during self hypnosis is the subliminal messages that the tape send to your subconscious mind during a hypnosis session. 

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