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Rapid Hypnosis Induction Technique. Self-Hypnosis in Seconds

Self hypnosis is a form of therapy and used to cure or improve upon yourself physically and mentally but it is not magic. When dealing in the realm of reality we must look at this form of therapy in a realistic view point. As with any form of therapy or treatment, self hypnosis may not work to cure or improve everyone of everything out there. Use all your favorite inductions and positive messages on your intended student. This will allow them to see what it is like to be hypnotized. Giving them a little insight into what they should be striving to accomplish when they attempt to self hypnotize themselves. Once you have brought them back to a level of alertness, you can begin to inform them on all that you know about self hypnosis. Ending a Self Hypnosis Session When doing self hypnosis you must end the hypnosis session. This means that instead of getting up and just moving about, you need to set a way to clearly define in your mind that hypnosis has ended. Many experts recommend that a person never associate sleep with self hypnosis. I want larger breasts", because your mind will pick up on the negative of "too small" and miss the positive of wanting larger breasts. Another thing to avoid is something along the lines of "I don t like my small breasts". Your mind will pick up on the negative and cause you to start seeing yourself in a negative light during your alert state of mind. After all when we read a book we do become engrossed in the book and allow our minds to conjure up images that go with what we are reading. While reading a book you have conjured up the images and your emotions will also follow suit to fit the book. Researchers and scientist also show that watching a movie is also a form of self hypnosis. On this path you need to see yourself the way you are now. Once you have a clear image of everything around you, start picturing yourself walking down the path. Continue to walk down the path telling yourself, "I am slim", "I am in control of my body" and repeat these a few times as you visualize yourself walking down the path. 

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