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Heal Your Body Now Hypnosis | Marisa Peer

You may fear trying self hypnosis in the beginning because you don't want to harm your mind. Do not worry about fumbling around learning self hypnosis and hurting yourself, you are completely safe during this time. If you do it right it will be successful, if you do it wrong it will not be successful. This method is done in the hopes of achieving positive results while a sleep that will carry over into the waking conscionce. This is a far cry from the earlier day of hypnosis and even the earlier days of self hypnosis. . As history has unfolded and knowledge has taken shape, we have learned that if you have a problem or a bad habit hypnosis can be used to fix or cure your problem. To give association to these classifications, we can liken them to an office that has three employees with you being the boss. Employee #1 is the encoding and it is that employees job to type up everything that you give him and then hand it over to employee #2. Employee #2 is the storage and it is his job to take the typed up information and place it into the appropriate filing cabinet. Once you have your time frame for uninterrupted self hypnosis, sit on your floor cross legged. This will keep you relaxed but not allow for you to become too relaxed. In this state of self hypnosis you do not want to be going to sleep. Now you will be breathing in and out and helping yourself reach a relaxed state. Continue to walk down the path telling yourself, "I am slim", "I am in control of my body" and repeat these a few times as you visualize yourself walking down the path. Start to imagine a fork in the road up ahead. To your right is the path that will take you to a table full of healthy foods and to the path to the left will take you to a table of junk food. Giving them a little insight into what they should be striving to accomplish when they attempt to self hypnotize themselves. Once you have brought them back to a level of alertness, you can begin to inform them on all that you know about self hypnosis. Start from the beginning and work your way through explaining all there is to know about a self hypnosis session that you have knowledge on. 

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