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SELF HYPNOSIS: Learn to Enter Deep Trance Self Hypnosis with Dan Jones

For athletes Sal offers sport hypnosis that he will teach your team to use during a self hypnosis session. Sal also teaches self hypnosis for personal success and stress management. Sal is a member of the National Guild and uses his experience and knowledge to teach others. Adam Eason is the author of a book called," Secrets of Self-Hypnosis: Harnessing the Power of Your Unconscious Mind" and is teaching seminars on self hypnosis. The only question is why hire a hypnotist when you can do it yourself? Self hypnosis will give you all the results that you are wanting without the high cost of a hypnotist. There will be some costs associated with using self hypnosis but unlike using a hypnotist these costs should only be a one time cost and also will be considerably lower than that of a hypnotist session. The good news is that by using self hypnosis you can improve your memory so that this information is more readily recalled when needed. Our memory has three areas of classification. The classifications of our memory are encoding, storage and retrieval. The encoding part is what registers what we are seeing and hearing. Remember that your mind will pick up on negative words so try to avoid any negative words during your session. Some things that you should not say during your session are, "My breasts are too small. I want larger breasts", because your mind will pick up on the negative of "too small" and miss the positive of wanting larger breasts. Tell yourself, "I will be more active", "I will take care of this new body", "I will improve my health". Begin to visualize a fork in the road again. To the right is a path that has as sign that says 'Jogging trail' and to the left has a sign that says, 'Couch and television this way'. The next thing you need to do is take photographs of your penis. Pictures really do work well when showing us how something really looks. The measurements and the pictures will be your aid in charting your progress. Remember that when doing a self hypnosis session you should use positive messages and avoid any negative messages. 

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