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Sleep Hypnosis for Instant Deep Sleep | Rain Sounds Dreaming (Very Strong)

This is fine and of course bed time and sleep will follow the session. The only thing you must remember is that if you are doing a session at this time and are going to bed afterwards, you still must do something to end the session. It is not a good thing to have sleep and hypnosis combined together in your mind. But sometimes you may need more than just a book to read to help you use self hypnosis to manage your pain. When you need more than a book, there is a great audio tape available that will guide you through the self hypnosis session. The use of this audio tape during self hypnosis is the subliminal messages that the tape send to your subconscious mind during a hypnosis session. So if someone is trying to get you to do something bad, subliminal messages are not going to make you do it against your own free will. Myth #4- I can not be hypnotized This is completely wrong. You can be hypnotized and can successfully hypnotize yourself if you choose to. People who can not be hypnotized are just making the choice not to be hypnotized. Your local library should have a decent collection of books and even some audio tapes you can check out. By using your library you can cut the expense down on purchasing this material. The only down fall with this is that you do not own the material so you will have to give it back at some point. This really is a slight detail when it compares to the money you will save. So the end results of my research shows that women are more likely to believe that hypnosis works to stop smoking if the hypnosis is done with a hypnotist. While women are skeptic about self hypnosis working. Men on the other hand are skeptic about either form of hypnosis working. The last results I gathered shows why hypnosis and self hypnosis is flourishing in society despite skeptics. Take the time also to answer any questions that they may have. Don t worry if you don t know the answer. By now you should have a wealth of books and audios on self hypnosis that you can point them towards to find the answer. Start with the induction phase and give them several ideas on how to begin the induction phase. 

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