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Deep Sleep Hypnosis for Mind Body Spirit Cleansing (Rain & Music for Guided Dreams Self Healing)

Myths surrounding hypnosis and even self hypnosis have no sound basis, they came about mostly because of uninformed people making an opinion on something they had no knowledge of. Myth #1- I will be made to do silly and stupid things Well let me say that no you will not be made to do anything silly or stupid. So if what you are using is not working then try using different positive messages with the next hypnosis session and see if those fit to enhance your athletes. If you need help there are audio tapes available for sports self hypnosis that can be used during self hypnosis sessions. These audio tapes may give you the edge you are needing. Terms and Definitions Associated with Self Hypnosis When entering in to something new, there may be terms that you are not familiar with. It is important that you become familiar with the terms that you will be hearing in reference to hypnosis and self hypnosis. These terms will give you a clearer insight and understanding into the world of hypnosis. When I polled the people I was able to discover was that women seemed to be more accepting than men on different approaches to stop a bad habit. While the majority of the women I polled leaned toward believing that hypnosis could help one to stop smoking, the women did not believe that self hypnosis would work. Tell them about different ways to help the mind make the distinction between hypnotized and alert mind sets. It does not heard to address myths that surround hypnosis and self hypnosis with your intended student. This will help to alleviate any fears that may arise with the use of self hypnosis. The more comfortable the person is with this method the more they will advance and be able to successfully achieve self hypnosis. Keys to Mastering Self Hypnosis There are six keys to mastering self hypnosis.These keys are important in allowing you to achieve success with self hypnosis. Some of the six keys needed to master self hypnosis will be harder than other to achieve. But with persistent dedication to mastering this you can and will achieve all six keys. 

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