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BASF PhD Leadership Development Program (LDP)

Look at your goals and look at yourself what traits and skills can help you reach those goals? What weaknesses will hinder you? What do you need to do change yourself to be able to reach your goals? d) Put The Plan In Action Get off your ass and do what needs to get done. This may all seem simple but trust me, it is probably going to be the most difficult thing you've ever done. Here, interpersonal skills, social skills and networking skills are assessed to gauge the effectiveness of the leader. Before, leadership development is conducted through traditional setting which is formal and more on theories on. These are usually through seminars wherein participants usually sit down the whole day listening to lectures and jotting down notes from Powerpoint presentations prepared by the speakers. The ability to recognize the problematic aspects of your personality and to either minimize or remove them is one of the hallmarks of good leadership. Finally, leadership development isn't all just about navel-gazing. It's also about learning skills that are helpful in your job as leader. Some of these skills are administrative ones like balancing a schedule or writing an assessment report. Once they were able to identify all of these, it will be easier for them to set goals for themselves that are within their reach and their capabilities. - start with small and simple goals. Tell them to not put too much pressure on themselves. If you are just adjusting in becoming a leader, it will be best if you tell them to start small and simple so they won't feel defeated when they weren't able to meet the standards the company has set for them. This is what has plagued organizations since the dawn of time; yes, the organization may be too big to fail but get an incompetent in the right place and it'll topple on its own. That's what happened to the Roman Empire and that's what has happened to several businesses across the years. Leadership development helps identify competent people and give them the tools to lead it also identifies not-so-competent people and give them the tools not to screw up so much. In other organizations, leadership competencies have even become the core dimension of leadership development activities. Competencies Recently, a 2002 study found that leading-edge companies define leadership by a set of competencies. These are now used to guide leadership development at all levels. 

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