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Grails - Self-Hypnosis

More than likely you have tried many dieting programs that have failed you in the past. This leaves most housewives feeling run down and undesirable. Self hypnosis can change your weight by reprogramming your subconscious. Most the time our weight problems is not in the fact that we don t try to take care of ourselves but in the fact of how our subconscious mind sends messages to our bodies. As well as being a popular trend it showed us the evolution that hypnosis had taken over the course of time. From the self help audio tapes came trend of people actually trying to self hypnotize themselves to achieve the same results that a doctor or trained hypnotist would achieve. As with hypnosis there came much controversy and criticism over self hypnosis as there was in the past over hypnosis. Teaching Self Hypnosis to Others Using self hypnosis to achieve your goals is a great asset to you. You have studied self hypnosis for some time and have mastered a way to self hypnotize yourself to achieve your desired goals. Now you are feeling a little selfish because you have this wonderful knowledge that you would like to share. By using what you already have available to you, you can hypnotize yourself for free. There are various ways that you can self hypnotize yourself. What you use and how you hypnotize yourself if dependent on what you are wanting to achieve. You probably have seen or even heard people who use those self-help audio tapes that they play while they are sleeping. The group concluded that the people who were cured had done so with the powers of their own imagination and that their cure had nothing to do with Franz Anton Mesmer and his magnets. It was in 1841 that Dr. James Braid would bring mesmerism back but this time be as hypnosis. Braid coined hypnosis from the Latin word Hypnos which happened to be the Greek god of sleep. This desperation to stop smoking has them latching on to the notion that self hypnosis will help them to stop smoking. So the end results of my research shows that women are more likely to believe that hypnosis works to stop smoking if the hypnosis is done with a hypnotist. While women are skeptic about self hypnosis working. 

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